Huhhh???arhhh??maybe you guys think something when wrong with me..yeah i agree with you guy, little of course.Yesterday i was so like
WTF,WTH&OMG..you know why,because i saw or urmm.. discovered something that so digusting about
@*$%!+..you guys don't need 2 know who is he or she because its totally
TOP SECRET..hehehe..not that top secret but still a secret.You know what is the thing that i discovered...that
18SX ......... at .............
WTH??like i said secret..i never thought that
PERSON would keep that kind of thing..
%$*@ what was you thinking..when i know about that thing,it makes me hate you more,more&more because you always act good infront of people,tengok2 nah ambik kau..hahaha..I don't know what word can i described you anymore.2 that person,i know you your secret.hehehehe.ugut ke?Nah!i'm not that kind of person,i will keep that secret 2 myself or someone else that that be trust.Siapa makan cili,dia yang rase...and oh yeah about
Katy Perry picture above,i know its a little bit sexy but i put it special for that person.