You know what,today i just realize something.It totally make me think wanna know what it is?Okay,do you remember the blog that i post on 18 MARCH?You know that time when i was lonely la jiwang semacam..still can't remember?Bace balik..hahaha..ok thats not the point,All this time i was quite sad and jealous if my friend meet,fall in love&couple with someone she love(bukan jealous sebab minat laki tu tapi jealous sebab kawan i dah jumpe L-O-V-E)..i was wondering why i haven't meet my prince charming..blah..blah..blah..Well today was totally..urmmm...WOW!
Sepanjang minggu ni,i asyik dengar one of my friends know about BOYS TROUBLE,.how he treat her,how he still in love with his ex even he is in relationship with he give a hope that they will be back together..and so on,so on..pening dah kepala..After hearing about this,i realize that i don't want 2 couple2 la..don't want 2 pening2 kan otak kepala,dah la memang dah pening..kan tambah lagi.I kesian tengok kawan2 i yang break dengan boyfriend dia,ada yang kena a friend of course i kesian..come on..he breaks my friends heart..
After see my friend reaction..i mean how her heart crush badly,it makes me realize..that im lucky because i never let myself hurt like them,bukan tak kesian but in the same time bersyukur.Dulu i selalu tertanya2 bile la nak ada boyfriend,mesti syok ada boyfriend..blah..blah.blah..but sekarang tak.Betul la kate orang,umur macam kite tak sesuai bercinta.Mybe they ryte,i didn't say all boys is bad la or just i heard so many story how boys treat his girl after couple..bak kate orang,bile dah dapat buang macam tu je.Thats make me scared,you know i tak cantik..and mane la tahu 1 hari nanti..ada orang minat..mesti i akan setia dekat dia..but if the relationship end..what do you think my reaction?hmm..hanya tuhan je tahu.
So better single for now..fikir dulu mane yang penting..if dah jumpe laki2 yang betul2 ikhlas,baru pertimbangkan..kalau tak THANK YOU,BYE BYE..GET LOST..hahaha..but for anyone yang in relationship now..i wish you the best..mybe that guy is the one,who know ryte?But always remember this family just one,true friend just one but boyfriend berlambak dekat luar..hahaha!bye!tata!